Exhibition: 1 - 9 Nov 2019

Opening Night | Thursday 31 Oct, 6pm–9pm

DJ Audrey Schmidt
Enter the RAFFLE for our exclusive B-SIDE Edition Prints or purchase one directly

B-SIDE’s aim is to raise funds through the sale of artworks to enable BLINDSIDE to continue to program pivotal exhibitions in our iconic Nicholas Building home, facilitate critical and engaging public programs, and support arts writers and artists at all stages of their careers.

This year, we aim to raise $15,000 – an ambitious yet achievable goal to help make BLINDSIDE a totally free exhibition space for the first time in 2020 and into the future.

To help us reach our target you can either:


Online and gallery sales are available until 9 November 2019 5pm.
Artworks from our amazing artist alumni as well as our our very first B-SIDE limited edition print 'Mystical Boyscout in the Bedroom' by Aaron Billings.



Make a tax-deductible donation through the Australian Cultural Fund before 31 December 2019.

BLINDSIDE gratefully acknowledges the generosity of wonderful participating artists: Aaron Billings, Alex Walker, Anna Dunnill, Arini Byng, Billie Justice Thomson, Britt Salt, Camila Galaz, Cristal Johnson, Daisy Lewis-Toakley, Daniel Gawronski, Erin Hallyburton and Toy, Garth Howells. Jessie Turner, Jordan Mitchell-Fletch, Karen Casey, Kirsty Macafee, Lachlan Stonehouse, Levi Franco, Lina Buck, Melanie Caple, Mia Middleton, Paul Murphy, Sandrine Deumier, Siying Zhou, Steven Rhall, Tessy King, Tyson Campbell and Zainab Hikmet.

We would also like to acknowledge the generosity of our event sponsors Atomic Beer Project & Matso’s Broome Brewery.

IMAGE| B-SIDE 2019 Opening. Photograph Nick James Archer. BLINDSIDE B-SIDE 2019 EDITION | Aaron Billings, Mystical Boyscout in the Bedroom, 2-colour Riso print on recycled paper, 24 x 29.7cm, ed. 100. $55 (not subject to GST) | Courtesy the artists.