31 May – 17 June 2017

Opening Night | Thursday 1 June, 6pm–8pm

James Parkinson

Something Trespasses;

                                      disrupting continuity

and introducing the real as

                                          an inconvenience to suburban time.

Recliner snaps back to up right position

In Ten Sixty-six

again and again,

Versailles, TP’d (toilet papered)

                    Its true,

                                 Mistakes happen

but they must be discouraged

                               to ensure effective social cohesion and the maintenance of private comfort

Behavior and; enforcing established social modes is key

to produce

effective and functional members of society.

                                                             Next time, ask.


James Parkinson recently completed a Bachelor of Fine Art (Honours) at the Victorian College of the Arts in 2016. James’ practice operates primarily within painting and sculpture. His most recent solo projects being Attachment and Control (After You) at Bus Projects in 2016 and RIP Angel (She Fell From Heaven and Landed in Our Hearts) at Kings Ari also in 2016. 

Images | James Parkinson, Not Again…… Yes Again, 2016, oil on canvas, 120cm x 71cm (detail); James Parkinson, Not Again…… Yes Again, 2016, oil on canvas, 120cm x 71cm (detail); James Parkinson, Not Again…… Yes Again, 2016, oil on canvas, 120cm x 71cm (detail).