15 February - 25 March



Benjamin Portas

Idolatry Ratio looks at our relationship with the lexicon of consumerism - promoting products and painfully familiar brand narratives through a simulated space. We exist with an inflated eagerness to engage in ideals, life practices, and the pursuit of value through the instruction of commercialism. Meaning and desire is processed, augmented and repeated.

Scenes display fragmented brand icons, blurred with fictitious product predictions. These scenes may be our current distorted view of excess information and compounded aesthetics, or a future study of artefacts detached from creator and original intent.

Benjamin Portas (Australia, 1979) is a Melbourne based, multidisciplinary visual artist with a focus on motion and video. His recent works seek a simulated reality through the use of digital animation and analogue processors. His work has been exhibited internationally in various forms including collaborative live performance, installations and screenings.


Image: Benjamin Portas, Idolatry Ratio, 2016, Single Channel Video